Sunday, September 30, 2007

Roger and Krista~Married~9~29~07

We just got back early this morning from an AMAZING time in Woodstock, Vermont

Boston couple but a Woodstock, VT wedding!!!

Family and friends were the theme of this wedding!! Krista’s uncle Rev. Joseph presided over the ceremony and Krista’s friend Beth was the make-up artist. Loved ones traveled as far as Canada, Singapore and Italy to celebrate!!
Roger was hysterical…for those of you who know Roger you know what I am talking about…too funny!!! Krista was not only beautiful but also cool as a cucumber. The only casualty of the day was Roger’s boutonnière from all the hugging! Woodstock offered everything that you would expect from a quaint New England town…wood covered bridge..Yes a real one! We got to catch up with Mike and Lynn ~ we photographed their wedding last month~FUN
Everyone made it to the dance floor...even those lovely 90 years old ladies!!! One of my favorite images from this wedding can not be included in my blog as it is a big SURPRISE for Roger and Krista’s guests.
Special thanks to: every single guest at this wedding!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Published: Seacoast Bride Magazine

So very exciting…the studio just found out that George and Becca’s June 2007 wedding will be featured in Seacoast Bride Magazine!!! The Meyers were married on charming Peaks Island, Maine. Their wedding was an elegant yet festive affair!! This couple was absolutely lovely and I can’t wait to see them the next time that I am in D.C!!!

Matt and Beth~married~9~22~07

We’re back from photographing Matt and Beth’s Vermont country wedding!!! Charming isn’t even half of it!!! Here are the highlights
1. Beth…worldly, charming and that southern charm…a keeper!!!
2. Matt you were such a rock star and gentleman!!
3. Bruce…you are almighty with your on call veil touch up duties.
4. Mitch..The BEST best man toast EVER!!!!
5. The staff,ms. klein and chef at the Starry Night Café!!!!!
Matt and Beth will honeymoon now in Florida and travel to Italy this winter for another honeymoon. They just returned from Ireland where they picked up gorgeous crystal flutes. They sipped on “not your average bubbly” while we photographed their first few moments as mr. and mrs!!!

I cannot forget to pay special tribute to Winnie! We all know that Winnie is now in doggie heaven but on this special day her sweet doggie soul was running around the grounds sneaking snacks and wedding cake and wagging that tail in celebration!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cryil and Cristin~Engaged!!!

Today was a little bit fall and a little bit summer and we loved it, as it was perfect for Cyril and Cristin’s e-session!!! Cyril and Cristin are putting the finishing touches on their 2008 winter wedding. Their ceremony will be at St. Ignatius Church!! Crisitn’s Irish grandmother is so very excited and has already found her party dress!! Cyril’s family will be coming over from Ireland to make the celebration complete!!
p.s. This is my 2nd engagement shoot with this couple. Why you ask..Well they looked great during our first e-session months ago but since then they have been hitting the gym and veggies…now they look so fabulous I just had to photograph them again!!!